
Bulk Storage

MetalKarma builds bulk storage solutions for ring stockpiles, conical piles, longitudinal piles, and free-form material piles.

MetalKarma domes provide storage space all over India. These structures are built with an efficient structural system of strong and corrosion resistant galvanized steel or aluminum, and have spans that often exceed 200m (650’). The light, prefabricated domes are containerized and shipped from our plant to anywhere in the world. Installation can proceed before, during or after material handling equipment is in place, and the domes may even be built over existing stockpiles with minimal or no downtime.

Power plants, Thermal Plants, grain dealers, mines, cement plants, ports and many other industries need to stock large quantities of dry bulk materials. These are often left uncovered, or stored in vertical silos. But silos are small and expensive, while open stockpiles are subject to material spoilage, and pollute with dust and runoff. A dome is a smart investment. Organizations that store feed, ores or solid fuels have looked for and found a cost effective way to solve their large storage needs.



Translucent cladding panels in matching profiles bring daylight into MetalKarma domes and save energy costs.


Ventilation openings can be designed into the structure to provide the desired air circulation.


Several anchoring options are available, including: cast in place (second pour), welded to embedded plates, and drilled anchors.


Openings of nearly any shape and size for vehicle and personnel access may be incorporated into your MetalKarma dome. Doors, frames and canopies are available for all openings.


Accommodations are easily made for conveyors, chutes or blending equipment, without compromising the structural behavior of the dome.


Exterior or interior manways can be designed and supplied with your building for convenient and safe access.


MetalKarma steel cladding is galvanized and coated with a baked-on polymer to give superior corrosion and ultraviolet ray resistance. Profiles are designed to best suit your job, and include rectangular or standing seam panels. Rectangular panels may be fastened to the inside of the structural frame to protect against fire or corrosion hazards.